Why Dental Hygiene is Important for Pets

When you love your pet, you likely go out of your way to keep them healthy and happy. While you may buy the best food and make sure your pet gets plenty of exercise, it is easy to overlook the importance of caring for their teeth and gums. At Aliso Beach Animal Clinic, we typically recommend annual checkups with our veterinarian in Laguna Beach, CA, to provide these benefits for your pet’s overall wellbeing.

Prevent Bad Breath with Pet Dental Care

That sweet puppy or kitten breath can quickly turn foul if you don’t focus on pet hygiene from the beginning. Dogs and cats should experience their first checkup at our veterinary clinic shortly after they are weaned and begin eating solid food. This gives the vet a chance to see how the food affects their teeth, and they’ll make recommendations for supplements such as dental chews. After that, regular cleanings remove food debris and plaque so you never have to cringe when you cuddle close with your pet.

Protect Your Pet from Painful Infections

Cats are extremely stoic, which means they might not let you know when they are in pain. Dogs might whine or refuse to eat, but you still might not connect their behavior to dental problems right away. If you’ve ever had a toothache, then you know just how painful infections can be in the mouth. During the annual exams, a veterinarian in Laguna Beach, CA, can look for tooth decay so it gets treated before your pet has to suffer for long.

Work with a Vet to Give Your Pet a Longer Life Span

Good pet hygiene also affects your dog or cat’s overall health. An animal that can’t eat properly due to tooth pain might not get proper nutrition, affecting its vital organs. Gum disease has also been linked to systemic illnesses in pets. Taking your pet to a veterinary office in California helps you prevent gum infections before they spread to the rest of your pet’s body.

Schedule Your Pet’s Dental Cleaning Today

In addition to brushing your pet’s teeth at home, you’ll want to have your vet give them an annual exam and cleaning. Reach out to our Aliso Beach Animal Clinic in Laguna Beach, CA, today at (949) 499-4190 to get your pet’s teeth healthy and sparkling clean.

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8:00 am - 12:00 pm



7:30 am - 4:30 pm
7:30 am - 4:30 pm
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7:30 am - 4:30 pm
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