Pet Nutrition

Pet Nutrition

The more you understand about what to feed your pet, the easier it will be to adapt to their needs as they age. If you're seeking ways to enhance your pet care at home, our team at Aliso Beach Animal Clinic in Laguna Beach will inform you that this is also one of the simplest ways to introduce healthier habits for both you and your pet. 

Pet Nutrition

Top Nutrients for Pets for Preventative Care

There are numerous recommendations about what to feed cats and dogs, as well as multiple myths about what they can digest and what causes obesity. Alongside an ample supply of water, here are the basics to keep them healthy:

- Protein: Your pet belongs to a long line of carnivores, all of which require amino acids from protein to maintain healthy coats and strong tendons. Turkey, chicken, fish, and beef are all excellent options to keep them active and healthy.

- Fat: Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are essential for helping cats and dogs process vital vitamins like A, D, and E. They also assist in maintaining their body temperature, ensuring their comfort throughout the day.

- Carbs: While not technically considered essential, carbs serve as an energy source for both pets. Domesticated animals have evolved to handle carbs, even if their ancestors couldn't tolerate them. Nutrition from grains and rice provides an excellent and easily digestible way to give your pet a boost of energy.

- Minerals: Iron, magnesium, and calcium are vital minerals that play a key role in a cat's enzymes, oxygen transportation, and pH balance. A diet rich in these minerals will contribute to stronger muscles and bones.

The best advice for selecting your pet's food is to look for products with real ingredients listed. All the chemicals on the back of the food label can be not only challenging to decipher but also potentially harmful to your pet's well-being. There's also the issue of portion control, especially if your pet is highly food-motivated. As challenging as it may be at times, combatting obesity is crucial.

Pet Care in Laguna Beach, CA

While preventative care cannot guarantee that your pet won't develop conditions, it can help you reduce the number of vet visits, prescription medications, and wellness checks they require. Similar to a human diet, determining what to feed your pet isn't always straightforward. As they age, the dietary questions can become even more complex. Are you looking for a veterinarian near me? If you're seeking a veterinarian who can provide guidance, contact Aliso Beach Animal Clinic today.

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8:00 am - 12:00 pm



7:30 am - 4:30 pm
7:30 am - 4:30 pm
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